Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We all love sales, right? :) I bought something as well (you can see my new purchases in the photos)!
It's possibly one of the best feeling for any girl or fashion lover - when you find the item you've wanted at half price. But it's easy to end up with clothes that will probably never be worn. I have some tips I would like to share with you:

Make a wish list
Before sales start take a moment to look at your wardrobe and ask yourself "What do I need?". This way, you’ll know you’re not being too spontaneous.
Set a budget
Set a budget and don’t take too much money with you. However allow yourself one “I don’t need it but I really want it”.
Be patient!
We all know, that when sales start you shouldn’t wait too long to do your shopping because you are risking that you will not find your color, size, etc. And I’m sure you are doing so. But I am not! Usually I do my shopping 2-3 days later after sales started, first days of sales are too chaotic and in these cases I leave the shop without buying nothing.
Will you like it next season?
Don’t buy the super trendy pieces. By the time you'll actually get to wear it, you might not like it anymore. I am always looking for more classical things or something I can wear for upcoming season.
Does it fit me?
Only buy clothes that fit you! Don't buy just because it is on sale.
Last sales
The start of the sales period offers the widest selection of goods. But the prices are the highest. If you really want that item, it may be better to buy it while it's still available and don't wait the lower price running the risk of them having sold out. But I am always going to check the last sales and often I can find some basic pieces on super sale!
So these are my sales shopping tips, do you have yours? Share it with me and my readers so we can all learn something new from each other!



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